As the number of “smart cities” grows, the need for ITS that can improve traffic management, reduce congestion, and increase road safety grows as well. Attractive technology for ITS applications in smart cities includes cloud computing and vehicle networks. However, there are other challenges that must be conquered before ITS and vehicular networks can be fully implemented. Learn about the pros and cons of using cloud computing and automobile networks for ITS in smart cities in this chapter’s review. The chapter begins with a brief introduction to ITS and its relevance in improving traffic management and reducing emissions. The chapter then discusses the current state of car cloud computing and networks for ITS, including the benefits and drawbacks of each. Challenges associated with smart city ITS and vehicular network deployment are also explored in this chapter. Considerations like controlling data security and privacy and developing efficient communication protocols are among the technological hurdles that will be examined. The challenges of vehicular networks and cloud computing integration for ITS are also discussed in this chapter, as is the need for incentives to encourage their use. Possible solutions to the issues plaguing ITS cloud computing and vehicular networks are also discussed in this chapter. More resources must be allocated to the cloud in order to support ITS applications, and novel communication protocols must be created to handle the unique challenges of vehicular networks. In conclusion, this chapter highlights the need to implement ITS in smart cities by utilizing vehicular networks and cloud computing. The challenges that must be overcome in order to successfully apply these technologies are outlined in this chapter, as are potential solutions to those obstacles.