Among the techniques described in this book is a chapter (#16) describing how to cryopreserve cell lines and primary cells. This chapter pertains to a relatively small number of cells, such as the amount expected during passaging of cell lines and from primary sources such as umbilical cord blood and bone marrow aspirate. However, our experience with a large number of cells from human mobilized peripheral blood (MPB) indicated that cryopreservation of these large number cells would require a modified method of cryopreservation. In general, MPB cells are indicated for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. However, MPBs, which contain hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors, are excellent sources of hematopoietic cells for research purposes. This chapter describes the method to cryopreserve the relatively large number of hematopoietic cells expected from one donation of MPB. Donor MPBs may be obtained from any approved commercial site or discarded samples from a hematopoietic transplant facility. It is important that the investigator must obtain approval from the institutional review board prior to soliciting the samples.