Various practices intersect specific stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in programming tasks. To extract important information from data acquired throughout the SDLC, various information extraction approaches are used. This chapter analyzes numerous artificial reasoning tasks that have applications in the automation of programming plans [1]. To address certain programming-related issues, artificial intelligence techniques such as data mining, artificial neural networks, and fuzzy logic have been utilized. However, the complexity of programming tasks necessitates the automation of all discussed procedures to address the associated instability [2]. A large amount of data from all stages of the SDLC has been evaluated. However, this data contradicts the findings of the prerequisites study, implementation, unit testing, integration, and system testing, as well as the design and maintenance phases. The engineering of the software design and composition is based on the information gathered during the design and planning phase, for the purpose of remodeling. The mining of large amounts of data has been found to be beneficial for the efficient reuse of information and ID disclosure [3,4]. However, for the development of software, as well as for recycling and support automation for authorized standards, artificial intelligence (AI) should be used in cooperation [5]. The main goal of this research is to propose various functions and features related to AI in the field of computer programming for the advancement of the field. The testing of the most advanced AI techniques is carried out in the final phase, which is also relevant for the field of product remodelling and the overall development of the field of programming. Applications are categorized according to their location, type of AI technology, and automation level by AI-SEAL, which stands for AI in software engineering application levels. This illustrates that AI in the field of computer programming is a challenging and rapidly developing domain and that a thorough exploration is necessary to address the issues and problems related to programming in the field [6–8].