The convergence of technological innovation and human intelligence is crucial in Industry 5.0, the next evolution in industrial development. It revolves around a seamless integration of technological innovation with human intellect, valid for digital healthcare. The rise of 5G networks is central to the transformation in digital health; with their ultra-reliability, minimal latency, and low latency, 5G networks are set to revolutionise the remote monitoring of patients, bringing real-time and personalised care closer. Imagine a world where patients can be tracked in real-time, regardless of geographic location, with data flowing seamlessly from medical devices and healthcare providers. The chapter explores the Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled 5G applications for healthcare and their potential, as well as the current limitations and future vision of a healthcare environment centred around the patient. The underlying principles of Industry 5.0 stress harmonious collaboration among humans and machines. In this context, the role of 5G, particularly in healthcare, is crucial. It is the bridge between human empathy and expertise and technological precision and efficiency. The future of healthcare will be both compassionate and cutting-edge, backed by 5G capabilities and grounded in principles of human-machine collaboration.