Additive manufacturing technologies, also known as layered manufacturing, solid free form fabrication, tool-less manufacturing, 3D printing, and rapid prototyping, represent a groundbreaking suite of methodologies reshaping the industrial landscape. These approaches diverge from traditional manufacturing methods by emphasizing the incremental construction of objects layer upon layer. Solid free form fabrication specifically champions the creation of intricate designs, bypassing the limitations imposed by conventional tooling processes. Tool-less manufacturing stands out as a hallmark feature, enabling the production of components without the need for specialized tools. The term 3D printing, a more commonly recognized phrase, encapsulates the essence of these technologies, highlighting the additive nature of material deposition based on digital blueprints. Rapid prototyping, integral to this suite, underscores the accelerated pace at which prototypes can be conceptualized and materialized, streamlining the product development life cycle. Collectively, these terminologies underscore the diverse facets and far-reaching potential of additive manufacturing technologies in reshaping industrial practices.