The MERN stack, consisting of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, is a comprehensive technology stack widely recognized for its ability to develop scalable and robust web applications. MongoDB, a flexible NoSQL database, enables efficient handling of large data volumes with its schema-less structure. Express.js, a minimalist web application framework built on Node.js, simplifies server-side logic development and offers a robust middleware system. React.js, a powerful JavaScript library, facilitates the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces through its component-based architecture. Node.js, a server-side JavaScript runtime environment, enables fast and event-driven I/0 operations, ensuring high application efficiency. The MERN stack’s modular and component-based design promotes code reusability, enhancing development productivity. The stack’s unified JavaScript-based workflow ensures consistency and simplifies the development process. Researchers benefit from the MERN stack’s versatility, scalability, and real-time capabilities in building high-performance web applications. Its combination of MongoDB’s scalability, Express.js streamlined backend development, React.js interactive UIs, and Node.js efficient runtime environment presents a comprehensive solution for research-oriented web applications. The MERN stack’s wide adoption and successful implementation make it an attractive choice for researchers seeking to develop scalable and efficient web applications in their research endeavors.