This chapter conveys information about different neurological disorders and how they are being treated in the past years. It also considers the new ways that are being adapted to treat those 384diseases, such as the nose-to-brain technique. The introduction confers information about the ways neurological disorders can cause several other diseases such as different heart diseases, and even it can cause diseases. The methodology that has been followed is secondary, and the information regarding different techniques to mend diseases is collected from different medical journals and articles. Different government websites have also been researched to extract information regarding the chances of new techniques such as the use of gene editing. The journals that have been used for the research explore the ways different techniques have evolved throughout the years. The chapter shows how the current studies have several limitations due to the blood–brain barrier, which restricts particles to enter the brain. Thus, the administration of any kind of drug becomes difficult. One of the known ways of drug administration is oral, but this fails to transmit the drug to reach the brain, and it becomes useless. There is no such treatment that totally stops the poor regeneration of brain cells. It only decreases the speed of degeneration of neural tissues. The present treatment initially acts on the amplifying symptoms along with that of the degenerative brain cells. The following techniques have been introduced throughout the chapter: nasal-to-brain administration, gene editing, the introduction of mRNA, inducing siRNA, and long circular non-coding small RNAs. Moreover, the implementation of different silencing strategies and the usage of adeno-associated virus (AAV) for transferring genes to the nervous system have been discussed. However, the introduced techniques have different drawbacks, which restrict the proper use of any one technique for the treatment of any neurological disorders.