Neuro-otology is an integrative discipline of ENT medicine concerned with otology and clinical neurology. The cases that neuro-otologists embrace might include equilibrium and balance disorders such as Ménière’s syndrome and vestibular neuronitis, tumors of the skull base such as vestibular schwannomas (acoustic nerve tumors), dysfunction of facial nerves such as facial nerve paresis, sensory neural hearing loss, and conditions involving the skull base. Neurootology patients need to be managed by collaborative efforts of a team of experts such as ENT specialists, neurologists, cardiologists, ophthalmologists, and psychiatrists. About one in a thousand children is born with such deafness and hearing disability, and proceeding age is the most common reason in adults. Deafness due to nerve impairment is initially operated by audible assistance, but if it advances to a sterner pattern, cochlear transplants are a good choice. Some latest techniques for cochlear implants include hybrid cochlear implants and cochlear implants with single-sided deafness. Acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas) are non-cancerous benign tumors that nurture from the vestibule–cochlear nerve traversing along the auricle lobe and brain. Treatment modalities include stereotactic radiosurgery, ear lobe surgery, and non-hearing surgery. Treatment is personalized based on the diagnosis of individual patients. The patients also need to be provided with a technologically advanced vestibular therapy by a team of clinicians and physical psychotherapists.