It has become clear that kind of the Omicron virus contains a number of mutations, some of which are highly dangerous. Initial research suggests that variation has a higher risk of reinfection, unlike another virus. The prevalence of these occurrences with this variance appears to be increasing throughout South Africa’s peripheral regions. The Twitter API, tweeps, and the Python module were used to create The Omicron Rising. The database will be updated often, and the same is done to keep up with the COVID-19 virus’s most recent advances. Additionally, it has been noted that many comments about fresh Omicron occurrences found throughout the globe that certain approaches classify as positive are really sarcastic. Whether or not they express themselves in “positive” terms, their true intent is negative. Among those who have specified a nation, India seems to have the most tweets. Naturally, the study of the nation is biased toward residents of that nation. Even said, it makes sense that India would have the most tweets, given that six examples of the Omicron type have just been found there. The tweets coming from India may be a result of worry about a potential Omicron catastrophe, similar to what happened with the Delta mutation in India recently. In this book chapter, findings from this research study are highly fascinating and will be very useful for identifying the user’s sentiment about the new variant.