Artificial intelligence (AI) and data science have a massive contribution by transforming the present world into a revolutionary step through their application in various fields to solve the most common problems. It gives the machines to exhibit human-like characteristics such as learning and problem-solving. Data science is the field of study of large amounts of data to discover previously unknown patterns and extract meaningful knowledge by combining domain expertise, using modern tools and techniques, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics. AI and data science are becoming much more important for the healthcare industry. It is helpful in getting better and faster diagnoses than humans. AI and data science applications in the domain of finance are huge. Time-series analysis and forecasting are useful tools for making quick and quality decisions that are for solving challenging real-time financial problems like stock market predictions. In today’s world chatbots are used to make effective communication with its user. The use of chatbots is huge as they are universally used on various websites for providing information and guidance by interacting and explaining to human users how the company or product works with a quick and meaningful response. A virtual assistant is a digital assistant that recognizes simple voice commands and completes tasks for the user. This is also an application of AI and data science 306that enables virtual assistants to listen to the user’s command, interpret it, and perform the task. It gives the users the power to set an alarm, play music from Spotify, make calls, send messages, make a shopping list, or provide information such as weather, facts from Wikipedia, search meaning of a word from the dictionary, etc., by browsing the web with just a simple natural language voice command. There are many more real-life applications, such as e-mail spam filtering, Recommendation systems, autocomplete, face recognition, etc.