Nowadays, learning online has become inevitable for all people. Digital learning, also called e-learning, is the confluence of electronic content, technology, and information. If the learning task is being done electronically, then there is a need for effective resource platforms. There are lots of digital learning resources available for students and researchers. Based on their preferences and needs, the most appropriate learning environment is created by these learning resources. Digital learning resources are not only the key to digital learning but also one of the familiar and significant research topics in the field of education. For researchers, different kinds of digital learning resources are available. For their literature study, they especially need to access online journals, online websites for dissertations, conference papers that are available online, dataset sources, scientific data resources, and so on. This chapter discusses the basic concepts of digital learning resources, their need, working procedures, types, uses, advantages, and disadvantages. In addition to this, the role of digital learning resources for the researchers’ community is discussed.