This chapter focuses solely on the potential of smart glasses to fundamentally alter how we view and engage with our environment. A very potent technical advancement that combines the digital and physical worlds is smart glasses. They have sensors that are highly capable of detecting and analyzing the surroundings, they provide real-time data and contextual information, and give consumers an immersive experience unlike anything they have ever had. Smart glasses’ components, which include miniature displays, high-definition (HD) cameras, motion sensors, wireless connectivity, speakers, microphones, batteries, and potent central processing units (CPUs) are what give them their adaptability. Because of all these sensors smart glasses are capable of hands-free communication, and also virtual and augmented reality experiences, with multimedia consumption, and navigation support. This chapter focuses on all the sensors that are available for smart glasses. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies have also expanded the capability and the functionality of smart glasses by enabling features like gesture detection, object recognition, augmented reality overlays, and facial recognition, etc., so that it will be very beneficial and convenient for the users. However, issues like limited battery life and weight are also discussed in this chapter, necessitating further research towards the development of efficient power management systems and sleeker, lighter designs for user comfort and extended usage. More research has to be done to include additional sensors to improve sensory capabilities and also there are advanced AI assistants that can anticipate and offer assistance based on the context and how users typically behave. Real-time task collaboration and shared augmented reality views could facilitate collaborative experiences. Further research should also address ethical and societal issues, such as privacy, surveillance, and the effect on human interactions and behaviors. Smart glasses have the power to revolutionize a number of industries, including healthcare, education, workplaces, and daily life. Smart glasses are becoming a vital tool thanks to continual technical breakthroughs and research.