AI wearables have witnessed significant advancements in recent years, with emerging technologies that involve implanting devices in the human body and tattooing AI onto the skin. This chapter explores the concept of AI wearables implanted in the body and tattooed on the skin, delving into various aspects such as challenges, opportunities, design considerations, ethical implications, sensing technologies, future trends, comprehensive surveys, healthcare monitoring, materials and manufacturing techniques, applications, and privacy concerns.

The chapter begins by defining and highlighting the significance of AI wearables implanted in the body and tattooed on the skin. It provides an overview of the chapter's structure and objectives. The subsequent sections discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with implantable AI devices, including technological limitations, surgical procedures, health risks, and ethical considerations. The design considerations and ethical implications of tattooed AI are also analyzed, addressing aspects such as materials, safety, durability, consent, privacy, and societal acceptance.

Sensing technologies used in skin-based wearable AI devices are reviewed, emphasizing their applications and limitations. The future of AI wearables is explored, covering emerging trends, challenges, and research directions for advancing the field. A comprehensive survey of tattooed AI technologies and applications is presented, discussing their advantages and limitations in terms of human augmentation, self-expression, and integration into daily life.

The chapter further investigates implantable AI devices for healthcare monitoring, highlighting their role in improving healthcare outcomes, such as remote patient monitoring, early disease detection, and personalized treatment. The materials, manufacturing techniques, and diverse applications of skin-integrated electronics in AI wearables are also examined.

Additionally, the applications of tattooed AI across various domains, such as biometric authentication, health monitoring, augmented reality enhancements, and personalized recommendations are analyzed. Privacy concerns associated with tattooed AI are discussed, emphasizing data security, informed consent, data ownership, and anonymization. Potential mitigation strategies to address these privacy concerns are suggested.

In conclusion, the chapter recapitulates the key points discussed, reflects on the transformative potential of AI wearables implanted in the body and tattooed on the skin, and provides suggestions for future research and development in the field. By understanding the challenges, ethical considerations, sensing technologies, future trends, comprehensive surveys, healthcare monitoring, materials and manufacturing techniques, applications, and privacy concerns associated with AI wearables, we can pave the way for their responsible development and deployment.