Continuous monitoring of patients from remote locations will be an effective solution to the increasing death rate. Remote patient monitoring systems (RPMSs) provide the feature of continuous monitoring of patients located outside hospital environments. Internet of Things (IoT) technology with smart devices makes remote patient monitoring possible.

Human health details, namely, electrocardiogram, heart rate, temperature, and position of the patient can be monitored. The video monitoring of a patient who is residing in a rural village is also possible. Faster access to the health information of a patient helps the doctors with quick and detailed analysis to effectively treat that patient. Data security is one of the biggest problems of internet-connected devices. Using access control algorithms, the data security issues will be solved. Task-role-based access control (T-RBAC) method is proposed to prevent unauthorized access to a patient's medical information.

Real-time operating systems (RTOSs) with shortest job first (SJF) based priority scheduling mechanism provide timely response. The SJF-based priority scheduling algorithm is chosen as it reduces the average waiting and turnaround time of the central processing unit (CPU) while performing multiple tasks associated with the cameras and several sensors.