In the world cosmetics are staggeringly in use by citizens to defend the skin from external stimuli. Marine algae have increment enormous attention in cosmeceuticals. As the synthetic cosmetic products caused unfavorable side effects and consequence in low absorption rate due to the chemicals’ bigger molecular size the consumer predilection towards natural cosmetic commodity has enhanced. Algae an oxygenic photosynthetic organism that are mainly recovered in marine milieus and marshes. In the tract of cosmeceuticals there is an accelerative affinity in the consumption of photosynthetic microorganisms involving macro-algae and micro-algae by integrated the bulk commodity infusion from its biomass into aesthetic preparations. There is numerous technological corroboration that proves the ability of algae but of course, it depends on extract, how it is prepared and its utilization. Due to the flourishing economic prospect of the cosmetic commercial enterprise, the need for nontoxic, harmless, and economic natural raw constituent has become an intense necessity. Reported to certain research reports, algal products utilized in cosmeceuticals is appropriate alternate with creative effect 358even after protracted usage. Various algal variety are now being used broadly for the treatment of diverse skin related difficulties by acting as a moisturizer or texture heighten, sunblock, anti-wrinkling, anti-aging, anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammation, and antimicrobial agents etc. This chapter aims in describing on the commercialized worth of diverse algal product in the biotechnology and cosmetic industry, extracted from both macro-algal and micro-algal genera for its application.