There is an incredible interest in the homegrown medications from both the creating just as created countries were given their adequacy, security, and lesser symptoms when contrasted with manufactured atoms. These medications likewise offer therapeutics for age-related disarranges like memory misfortune, osteoporosis, safety issue, and so forth for which no advanced medication is accessible. It shows the promising contribution of natural medications in both economic and wellbeing concerns, in this way, it is ground enough to contribute to their development. As the viability and adequacy of the homegrown items significantly rely on their quality. The absence of normalization is the key factor because of that India despite its rich conventional information, a legacy of homegrown drugs, and huge biodiversity has a bleak portion of the fare to the world market. Subsequently, the quality affirmation of homegrown medication/items is the need of the hour. Consequently, normalization has become a fundamental segment of homegrown medication/items that guarantee the advantages of home grown medications. Along these lines, by normalization of natural medications, the Indian homegrown market and even the fare of homegrown meds will expand, making “India the Pharma Power House.”