Algae are important biological forms that have been used in its raw or processed state in a variety of sectors. Different types of microalgae and macroalgae were identified still, whereas the complete exploitation of algal species is restricted due to few concerns as unawareness of mass cultivation systems, specific culture methods, culture conditions or growth parameters. On the other hand, the examination of the potential of various algae for value-added products is necessary at the moment to ensure sustainable development. Hence, the present chapter discusses the strategies that can be admirable for the cultivation of algae for its extensive utilization. The choice 56of cultivation system like open or closed or dark system could be based on the scale and purpose of cultivation. Among the closed type systems, continuous systems and photobioreactors are more preferable for large-scale cultivation. There are different methods that can be accessible for algae cultivation as autotrophic, mixotrophic and heterotrophic modes. Media selection is another criteria, where the selection could be done according to the nature of habitat of algae. In addition, diverse isolation techniques, nutrient requirements, growth parameters and sterilization techniques feasible for the implementation of specific algae cultivation schemes are discussed in detail.