Electric power is nearly exclusively generated, transmitted, and distributed using electrical current. The consequences of the power factor are instantly brought into play. Reduced power factors characterize most of three-phase induction machine loads that are inductive in nature, such as inductive motor and spark luminaries. Based on the level of load intensity, these machines have reduced power dissipation by description. The power factor of these machines changes from 0.30 to 0.95 based on the motor design and other serviceable factors. Appropriately, the reactive power compensation value is a constant source of concern for commercial energy systems, providers, and consumers. The lagging power factor correspondingly is inadequate. Poor power factor is generally problematic because it causes an increase in flow of electric current, which leads to additional system losses throughout all components of the power grid, from the producer to the consumption devices. A power factor as near to unity as possible is needed to guarantee the optimum design and operation requirements for a supply system. To boost the overall system performance, the power factor could be modified. The section provides a variety of power factor techniques.