In intrauterine growth-restricted foetuses, neurological, cognitive, cardiovascular (atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease), renal, diabetes, and obesity complications can occur. Early Doppler-delivered IUGR foetuses reduce perinatal mortality. The study calculates umbilical and middle cerebral artery S/D ratios, PI, RI, and cerebroplacental ratios to correlate Doppler parameters with perinatal outcomes in intrauterine growth restriction. Our institution ethically approved this prospective analytical study. The research was conducted between January and June of 2021. From January 2020 to June 2021, 63 pregnant women with third-trimester intrauterine growth-restricted foetuses were seen in the OPD, antenatal wards, and the Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences’ Radiodiagnosis Department. Doppler US examined biometry, amniotic fluid, placental maturity, and clinical history. Doppler studies evaluate indices if clinically indicated. Perinatal outcome analysis used Doppler ultrasound data. Multivessel Doppler ultrasound better stratifies IUGR foetuses. IUGR pregnancies need a multivessel Doppler.