The “EGNOS Poland Market Analysis” was prepared as part of the SHERPA Project and is based on research conducted by airports and aircraft’s operators. The part of results from these research were described in European document “EGNOS National Market Analysis”. They were the first in Poland conducted examinations through Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, in frames of which was made implementation of LPV GNSS procedures at airports in order to assure the High Quality and the Operating Safety. Furthermore, these research was consistent with the expectations of aircraft operators and user of the EGNOS and was conducted in relation to signed by Poland ICSO Resolution A-36/37 concerning the Implementation of PBN (Performance Based Navigation). The assessment of some tangible criteria will allow the best selection after the complete process. The paper presenting these issues and has been divided into following parts: the introduction presents purpose, the scope of research, methodology and applied during the identification, selection and the evaluation, conclusion. The paper was drawn up on the basis of examinations and results achieved as part of the SHERPA project under the Agreement Grant No. 287246 with the GSA (European GNSS Agency).