This paper presents a series of modulus-based quality control tests that were conducted in a field trial section as part of highway construction project in Thailand. The compaction quality of compacted earth fill embankment was evaluated using the conventional moisture-density approach adopted by Thailand Department of Highways in companion with a series of alternative quality control tests including the Soil Density Gauge (SDG), the Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD), the Soil Stiffness Gauge (SSG), and the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP). The densities and moistures determined from the SDG were compared with those determined from the conventional approach. Three alternative modulus-based quality control tests e.g. LWD, SSG, and DCP were conducted in companion with the moisture-density tests. The effects of compaction, different devices, and moisture conditions on modulus-based quality control tests were discussed when interpreting the results. Finally, the proposed criteria for implementing modulus-based and compaction quality control testing for pavement construction in Thailand were recommended.