In a previous publication new structural indicators (KPI1, KPI2 and KPI3) for the evaluation of a primary road network were developed and applied, based on deflection measurements. These measurements were all executed under very similar conditions and on road structures with similar thicknesses for the layers above the base course. Here we present observations made on the variation of the indicator values when varying the drop height of the FWD load and in case of different temperature conditions. For the Tragfähigkeitszahl (Tz) we observed a linear variation with respect to load charges. Temperature does influence Tz but the categorisation with KPI1 based on Tz is not much affected. Indicator KPI2evaluating bonding in the upper layers showed higher values in summer. For indicator KPI3 expressing the coherence of the road structure, we propose an alternative definition when monitoring road structures with smaller thicknesses as on a secondary road network.