The electronic textbook (known as Buku Sekolah Elektronik/BSE) is a school textbook that can be accessed and downloaded from the Indonesian government’s official website. The BSE consists of all the nationalism values of the country’s generation. It is a learning material for school subjects within the levels of primary and secondary education. The BSE, as school teaching material, has a vital role in forming students’ character. This is in line with the current situation where teaching materials need to be investigated in terms of content, especially nationalism values. This study aimed at explaining the nationalism character values contained within the BSE on the school subject of the Indonesian language for the primary school level. The methods used included a literature review and content analysis. The literature review was conducted to acquire the appropriate book through a detailed and accurate search of all BSEs. Meanwhile, the content analysis was performed through analyzing the nationalism character values contained in the BSE for the school subject of the Indonesian language, which covers (1) religiosity, (2) honesty, (3) tolerance, (4) discipline, (5) hard work, (6) creativity, (7) self-reliance, (8) democracy, (9) curiosity, (10) national spirit, (11) nationalism, (12) respect toward achievement, (13) friendliness/communicativeness value, (14) peace loving, (15) literacy/love of reading, (16) caring for the environment, (17) social care and (18) responsibility. The results of the content analysis of the Indonesian language for the BSE for the primary school level show that the nationalism character values contained in the BSE has not been fully and proportionally covered. Furthermore, the content was still dominated by the aspect of knowledge, without an emphasis on comprehension, value internationalization and their implementation.