Abstract ................................................................................................. 224 9.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 224 9.2 Advanced Metering Infrastructure ............................................... 230 9.3 Communication Networks Prerequisites for SG Applications .... 237 9.4 Cybersecurity Challenges for SG ................................................ 247 9.5 Concluding Remarks .................................................................... 249 Keywords .............................................................................................. 251 References ............................................................................................. 251


The main aim of the electric utility companies is to ensure the continuous supply to the loads without any interruption. Utilities should also ensure the voltage levels, frequency, and reliability within the limits. In recent days, the modern research has introduced information and communication technologies for the power systems to act more intelligently. With the introduction of modern automation devices, two-way-communication systems and advanced control systems the traditional power systems are becoming smarter, thus transforming the traditional grid to “smart grid”. At the distribution side, the smart meter integration and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is allowing the end user to monitor, control, and shift their energy usage according to their needs making “energy management” possible. The AMI also enables the utilities to make decisions based on the load analysis, identification, and location of faults, then allows reconfiguration of system strategies based on the conditions. This chapter presents an overview of the smart grid technologies, AMI, communication networks for smart grid applications, and cybersecurity challenges involved. The aim is not exhaustive rather it makes us understand how all the above technologies can make energy management system more realistic.