Adherence to medication plays an important role in achieving therapeutic goals and preventing complications. The aim of this study was to identify medication adherence in the elderly with chronic diseases using the Adherence to Refills and Medication Scale at Integrated Care Centers for the Elderly in Gubeng District, Surabaya, Indonesia. This was a cross-sectional study. The inclusion criteria were ≥60 years of age, history of at least one chronic disease, taking medication for chronic disease obtained with prescription, and ability to take the medication by her/himself. The total number of respondents was 179. Among the diseases of the respondents, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were found to be highest (122 (68.2%) and 71 (39.7%), respectively). The results indicated that the number of respondents who had high, moderate, and low adherence to medication were 21 (11.7%), 156 (87.2%), and 2 (1.1%), respectively. In conclusion, most respondents had a moderate level of adherence to medication. Therefore, it is important to improve the level of adherence to medication among elderly patients with chronic diseases.