This chapter aims to compare multiple parameters, including subjective genital symptoms, physical measurements, cytokines, and other biomarkers collected via tape stripping. Information was collected on menopausal status, and a urogenital examination was performed in order to grade the degree of urogenital atrophy. Regulated cytokine expression is essential to the quality and function of the epidermal barrier, and deregulation of this complex signaling mechanism can result in multiple consequences for skin barrier function. The skin, comprising a full one-sixth of body weight, is a sophisticated and dynamic organ that protects the sensitive internal tissues of the body from the external environment. Skin is a highly active metabolic tissue, and there is growing interest in the relationship between the presence and concentrations of certain biomolecules and the existence of certain dermatologic conditions. Menopause is accompanied by a number of physical and psychological changes that can lead to vasomotor symptoms, sleep disorders, decreased sexual response, genitourinary factors, and mood changes.