Trial-evidenced changes in adjuvant therapy have led to further levels of complexity to follow-up clinic planning. For instance, in the early 1990s, tamoxifen was given for only 2 years, but by the late 1990s, 5 years of tamoxifen became the standard of care. The perfect home for this is a small ‘peripheral' clinic situated in so-called ‘cottage' hospitals or attached to large GP practices. In the UK, one in seven women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime. Of these, one in four will develop a further new breast cancer. One of the positives of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the strides made by telemedicine. There is no doubt that general well-being, quality-of-life issues, symptoms of relapse, side effects and complications of treatment, switching of therapy and trial data can be exchanged by tele-interviews between the patient and a trained member of the breast team.