The World Food Preservation Center® LLC (WFPC) was established in response to a pending global food shortage that is destined to increase world hunger if not sustainably addressed. The world’s food supply is being shrunk by a rapidly exploding world population and a rapidly deteriorating agricultural environment. Now global warming has come on the scene and portends to further restrict our crop yields.

It is clear that we are not going to be able to meet this global food shortage crisis by simply producing more food as we did during the ‘Green Revolution.’ Even with our most advanced food production technologies, we are going to fall far short of enough food to feed the worlds expanding population.

One-third of the food that we already produce globally is lost annually between the time that it is harvested and consumed. This is enough food to feed two billion hungry people and to feed the world’s expanding population. Therefore, it is apparent that we must save more of the food that we already produce if we are to avoid escalating world hunger.

Because we have invested few of our agricultural resources (5%) in the postharvest preservation of food as opposed to food production (95%) there are postharvest ‘skill gaps’ and ‘technology gaps’ in our agricultural institutions of higher learning, particularly in developing countries.

The WFPC was formed to address intellectual postharvest gaps in developing countries by (1) promoting the education (M.S. and PhD) of young student/scientists and secondary education students in developing countries; (2) having young student/scientists in developing countries conduct research on much needed new postharvest technologies adaptable to their native countries; (3) organize continent-wide postharvest congresses and exhibitions; (4) publish much needed new texts/reference books on postharvest technologies/methods for developing countries; and (5) develop a comprehensive database on all postharvest knowledge relative to developing countries with access portals for researchers, students, administrators, industry, businesses, and farmers.