Seakale is a perennial wild plant of the Northwest European seashores and cliffs of both Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Seakale is a very low-calorie vegetable but it provides health-benefiting vitamins such as thiamine and folic acid. The seakale health benefits include its ability to prevent scurvy and viral infections. It helps in gaining weight, improves digestive processes and boost metabolism, thereby avoiding excess weight gain, fatigue and organ system malfunctions. These plants prefer very sunny locations, where they may get sunlight for most of the day. The best quality seakale can be produced in sandy loam soils rich in organic matter and good in moisture-holding capacity. The yield of seakale plant varies with variety, soil type, soil fertility, irrigation facilities, cultural practices adopted during the course of cultivation and age of the plant, since older plants have larger leaves and shoots. The seakale suffers from brown head, which can be caused due to poor growth, disease and excessive temperature.