Cassabanana is believed to be the native to Brazil, but now, it has spread throughout the tropical America. The yellow and orange-fleshed fruits of cassabanana are rich in beta-carotene, minerals, niacin and ascorbic acid. It is mainly used for making jam or other preserves. The leaves of cassabanana are employed in treating uterine haemorrhages and venereal diseases. Cassabanana is a fast-growing perennial herbaceous plant, requiring trellises for climbing. Cassabanana is essentially a warm season crop mainly grown in tropical and subtropical regions. The insect-pests and diseases attacking the cassabanana crop and their control measures are similar to other cucurbitaceous crops. The spotted, striped and banded cucumber beetles are most destructive to young cassabanana seedlings. They start feeding on plants as soon as they emerge from the soil and feed on all plant parts including flowers and fruits. Its larvae feed on roots and bore into both roots and stems of cassabanana plants.