Warm regions of Central and South America are considered the primary centre of origin, while Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador regions are considered the secondary centre of snap bean origin. Snap bean (Rajmah) also known as common bean, French bean, kidney bean, garden bean, fresh bean, navy bean, haricot bean, China bean, marrow bean, string bean and wax bean, is one of the most important leguminous vegetable crops. Snap bean is a nutritious vegetable, as it contains a high amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. Snap bean pods at their immature, delicate and tender green stage are consumed as a vegetable and at their mature stage as dry pulse. The snap bean is anti-diabetic, carminative, diuretic, an emollient and a kidney resolvent. The snap bean plant has a taproot system with poor nodule formation. Snap bean can be grown in a wide range of soils but medium-textured fertile sandy loam soils good in organic matter are considered best for its cultivation.