Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a powerful technology that spans a wide range of scientific disciplines. A primary component of the NMR spectrometer is the magnet. The field strength and homogeneity of the magnet have a major impact on the performance of the system. To ensure a high-resolution NMR spectrum it is critical to maintain a stable magnetic field. NMR automation is a highly valued tool in both the industrial and academic laboratory. Automation may support high-throughput screening, overnight automation, or a multiuser open access environment. Solid-state NMR has become a prominent technology in structure elucidation studies. Applications range from studies of inorganic structures and glasses to elucidation of small organic molecules and investigation of biomolecules such as peptides and proteins. The advances in solid-state NMR spectra have enabled characterization of structure and dynamics at the molecular level. Advances in NMR spectroscopy have had a major impact on the fields of chemistry, biology, physics, and medicine.