Syncope is a commonly encountered symptom representing the sixth commonest reason for hospitalization in adults, 65 years, with an average length of stay of 5-17 days. This chapter discusses establishment of a syncopal facility including the professionals needed to be ivolved and the equipment, and the existing syncope models (the Newcastle model, the Italian model, and the Hamdan model). A local integrated syncope clinic should set standards regarding: the diagnostic criteria for the causes of syncope; the preferred approach to the diagnostic work-up among selected groups of syncope patients; risk stratification of the patient with syncope; and treatment to prevent recurrent episodes. The core equipment needed includes surface ECG recording, phasic blood pressure monitoring, tilt table testing equipment, external and internal (implantable) ECG loop recorder systems, 24 h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, 24 h ambulatory ECG monitoring, and autonomic function testing.