The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association guidelines discuss indications for pacing in patients with bradycardia due to sinus node and acquired atrioventricular (AV) dysfunction, chronic bifascicular and trifascicular block, hypersensitive carotid sinus, and neurally mediated syndromes as well as pacing for hemodynamic indications including cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart failure. This chapter introduces the concept of His bundle pacing and pacing in post TAVR patients. AV block is classified as first-, second-, or third-degree (complete) block; anatomically, it can occur at various levels in the AV conduction system; above the His bundle (supra-His), within the His bundle (intra-His), and below the bundle of His (infra-His). The chapter lists the indications for implantation of a PM for sinus node dysfunction based on the evidence based guidelines and the indications for permanent pacing in acquired AV block in adults.