Kosher dietary laws determine which foods are fit or proper for consumption by Jewish consumers who observe these laws. The laws are Biblical in origin, coming mainly from the original five books of the Holy Scriptures. According to M. A. Jackson, most kosher food processors think that Muslims accept kosher as meeting halal standards and requirement other than meats and alcohol containing products. Enzymes derived from microbial or biotech genetically modified organisms sources are acceptable as kosher, halal, and vegetarian. Enzymes extracted from kosher-killed animals are accepted as kosher and enzymes extracted from halal-killed animals are accepted as halal. Gelatin prepared from kosher-killed animals is accepted by Orthodox rabbis as kosher and gelatin from halal-slaughtered animals is acceptable as halal. For vegans, products and by-products from live animals, such as milk and eggs, and products from insects, such as honey and royal jelly, must also be avoided.