This chapter outlines the different approaches that are in use to integrate/immobilize photosynthetic reaction center (RC) proteins in bio-photoelectrochemical cells. It presents the various ways of immobilization of RCs onto the electrodes and recounts the progress made in different systems. Besides the humongous efforts to immobilize and orientate the RCs onto the electrode materials in bio-photoelectrochemical cells, attempts to make cells with the proteins freely dispersed in the electrolyte solution with no dedicated attachment to the electrodes were also successful in photocurrent generation. This chapter discusses the various methods employed to effectively attach photosynthetic reaction centers to different kinds of electrodes in a bio-photoelectrochemical cell. The progress in photocurrent generation achieved by different bio-photoelectrochemical cells by trying different chemical linkers and by altering the protein orientation was highlighted. Experimenting alternative electrode–electrolyte systems with new device architectures promises a great scope for developing more efficient and low-cost bio-photoelectrochemical cells.