This chapter describes the development of a help system, HyPLAN, for users of the spreadsheet ExcelTM on the MacintoshTM computer. The design of this system, which integrates adaptive and hypermedia techniques, was driven by empirically identified user demand. The chapter also describes the development of the system, to explain the interrelation between the analytical methods and the design of the various technical modules. Within the field of reasonable applications of adaptive concepts, context-sensitive help seemed to be especially useful. The entire HyPLAN system consists of two modules forming an adaptive hypermedia help environment for Excel: HyTASK (Hypermedial TASK support), a hypermedia tutorial and help system; and PLANET (PLAn recognition through activated task NETs), a knowledge-based plan-recognition system that evaluates records of Excel operations. The final version of HyTASK, comprises three connected HyperCard card stacks —Helptopics, Navigator, Browser—and a collection of interactive films.