The cardiovascular system serves to supply and drain blood to all tissues of the body, thereby, supplying oxygen and nutrients and removing carbon dioxide and certain metabolites. The heart is the central organ of the cardiovascular system, serving as a pump for both the systemic and pulmonic circulatory systems. The heart serves as the pump and all sizes of vessels serve as conduits. The heart is encased within the pericardium, a fibroserous sac that also encloses the origin of the great vessels leaving the base of the heart. The feline heart within its pericardial sac is surrounded laterally by the lungs except at the cardiac notch. The paraconal interventricular groove marks the internal separation of the left and right ventricles on the left craniolateral surface of the heart. Originating from the base of the heart are the pulmonary trunk and aorta. The left atrium lies dorsal and caudal to the left ventricle, forming the left dorsocaudal base of the heart.