Since the discovery of superconductivity by Kamerlingh Onnes in 1911, the remarkable characteristic of lossless current has aroused strong interest in the field of basic physics as well as in industry. Following that discovery, great strides have been made in physics, as evidenced by the appearance of Ginzburg–Landau and Barden–Cooper–Schrieffer theories on the mechanism of superconductivity as well as the discovery of the Josephson effect. The stability of a current-carrying conductor is determined by the quantity of copper, the copper ratio, as well as by heat transfer from the conductor to the coolant. Stress in conductors also arises during the winding process of a magnet through the bending of wire. Elementary particle accelerators in high-energy physics is another field in superconducting magnet application that has contributed to the development of magnet technology of a different type. Magnetic energy storage in electric power systems can be realized only by superconducting magnets, a unique application of superconductivity.