This chapter describes a Mullins effect modeling based on physical consideration and easily implementable in a finite element code. It provides bibliography of Mullins effect modeling, and realizes the choice of the Marckmann et al. model. The chapter also describes the model and highlights the finite element implementation problems. An adaptation of the modeling is proposed thanks to relations between hyperelastic energy density parameters. The Mullins effect modeling being based on physical hypothesis, it needs a hyper-elastic energy density dependant on the density of chain by volume-unit and the average chain length. For Dannenberg E. M. & Brennan J. J. and Dannenberg, the macromolecular chains can slip or dissociate of the fillers. These approaches have been generalized to a three-dimensional formulation by Govindgee & Simo J. C. The problem of these approaches is that the Mullins effect occurs in unfilled materials, too.