Currently, the tendency toward an increase in the number of children with limited health capacities can be observed.

The category of such children is extremely heterogeneous, but their common main feature is the violation or retardation of motor activity. In the context of the Russian education process modernization, the problem of creation of optimal conditions for development, upbringing, and education of children with limited health capacities is crucial. The main task of physical rehabilitation of children with limited health capacities is to accelerate recovery processes and prevent or reduce the risk of disability. It is impossible to assure physical and functional development if we limit a natural desire of organism to move. Movement is the main tool of knowledge of the world around that overcomes stereotyped behavior and the tendency to isolate. Motor abilities allow children to act and orientate in the nearest environment and perform activities. Movement develops in children with limited health capacities along with the increase of self-awareness. Motor development of children is achieved with the growth of manual abilities as a result of biological maturation of the body and stimulation as a result of corrective exercises in order to teach them to move. Therefore, health and fitness classes must become a key link for improving the physical fitness of children. One of the means to correct pathologies in children with limited health capacities in their motor sphere is physical therapy lessons. For the development of motor activity, walking training, and rehabilitation of children with limited health capacities, the Ardos simulator was created in Russia, which allows the body to stay in a vertical position for an indefinite period of time. Using a simulator, we can do exercises stimulating the functions of weakened muscles and joints and perform motor actions. Children with musculoskeletal disorders, working with the Ardos simulator, can simultaneously use other simulators or gymnastics equipment.