Subject/topic. Tourism is one of the important directions for the development of world economy. Demonstrating a stable economic growth, modern tourism contributes to the achievement of the goals of sustainable development. The modeling of sustainable development of tourism involves the optimal use of natural resources, the preservation of cultural heritage and traditional values, and the assurance of sustainable employment and income-generating opportunities, thereby contributing to poverty reduction and the achievement of gender equality. In this study, based on the analysis of statistical and analytical materials, an attempt was made to unravel the role of tourism in the sustainable development of countries, in order to solve contemporary global problems.

Methodology. General and special research methods, including analysis, synthesis, and generalization, were used for studying the problems of sustainable development of tourism.

Conclusion. The main objectives of sustainable development of tourism are the following: increase in jobs in tourist destinations; providing safe and comfortable tourism; respect for the historical heritage, culture, traditions of peoples; conservation of natural landscapes and biological diversity; minimizing the use of nonrenewable resources in the development of tourism; the development of “green” tourism; and the transformation of ecological tourism into a dominant one in the future. Achieving the goals of sustainable development of tourism will ensure a high level of tourist satisfaction and consummation of balance between the host country, the tourist, and the environment. It is expected that the tourism industry in developing countries will develop more rapidly than in developed countries.