Organometallic compounds designate a class of compounds formed from the direct union of metal and carbon of the organic group. Thus carbonates of metals, complexes of metals with organic ligands or metal salts or organic acids are not classified as organometals. The analysis of organometallic compounds has conventionally been carried out by spectrophotometric or fluorimetric determination of the metal elements after destruction of the compounds. The analysis of organometallic compounds has conventionally been carried out by spectrophotometric or fluorimetric determination of the metal elements after destruction of the compounds. Industrial organometallic compounds are mostly synthesized for specific purposes. Environmental analysis especially in areas related to biological and toxicological aspects, the form of the compounds present in the sample is critically important information. Emission spectrometric detectors have the capability of multielement detection which can be a useful feature for environmental analysis. Electrochemical techniques have been used in the analysis of organometals with good sensitivity and a certain degree of specificity.