This chapter aims to draw lessons for managers and scientists involved in the implementation of nature-based solutions for coastal protection by focusing on three Building with Nature case studies within the Netherlands: shoreline nourishments, a mega-nourishment, and vegetated foreshores. It discusses the general transition in coastal protection policy in the Netherlands and the main challenges in implementing Building with Nature as a coastal protection strategy in the Netherlands. Dutch national government relies on engineering tools such as numerical models, field data analysis, and expert judgment for assessing coastal safety and designing mitigation measures for coastal erosion. Pilot projects and field studies are an ideal means to facilitate interdisciplinary coastal research to increase predictability of coastal systems. The most frequently quoted ecosystem services of salt marshes are storm protection for coastal communities, shoreline stabilization, nutrient removal, carbon sequestration, fisheries, and recreation. The first coastal protection measures inspired by the Building with Nature philosophy now become visible in the Dutch landscape.