Security breaches have serious consequences and, in some cases, may be catastrophic. In addition to jeopardizing personal safety, some additional potential outcomes might involve research program disruption, loss of critical scientific data, biohazard release, and/or the theft of research animals. Security and convenience are inversely proportionate to one another. In addition to assessing the potential for major downgrading events, other things should be considered when conducting a risk analysis. Physical security measures deter, detect, and delay an individual from gaining access to a building or restricted area. It is important to conduct a thorough review of existing security measures and evaluate their effectiveness. Policies and procedures provide guidelines to employees on what is expected of them. They are the cornerstone of any effective security program, but are worthless if they are not followed and enforced. Managing and quickly recovering from a crisis or disaster does not just happen; it is the result of meticulous advanced planning.