This chapter develops Eudragit RL nanoparticles (ENPs) as a drug delivery and describes that the prepared ENPs induced a slight oxidative stress on hematological parameters in vivo. It evaluates the oxidative stress in liver of rats exposed PO or IP-injected with ENPs. In the rats IP injected with ENPs, the examination of the liver section in the control group showed unmodified hepatocytes, central veins, and portal tracts. Liver sections of the IP-injected rats showed nearly unmodified hepatocytes with vesiculated nuclei and normal central veins after 4 hours. However, the kidney sections of rats IP injected with ENPs after 48 hours showed renal tubular dilatation and increase in the size of glomeruli with dense nucleus. Kidney sections of rats IP injected with ENPs after 1 week showed loss of normal architecture of renal tubules cells with exfoliated parts and congested blood vessels and the glomeruli as segmented or damaged.