Richard Gordon McBride Budgett was born on 20 March 1959, in Glasgow. Having attended secondary school at Radley College, he entered Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, in 1977, to study medicine. In 2005, Budgett was appointed to the World Anti-Doping Agency list committee, which he chaired from 2010 to 2012. In 2007, Budgett was appointed Chief Medical Officer of the London 2012 Olympic Games. This role meant overseeing all medical and anti-doping services. The London 2012 Olympic Games marked his 12th Olympic appearance, either as an olympian or doctor. A strong anti-doping advocate, and indeed an expert consultant to the World Anti-doping Agency on prohibited substances, Budgett’s remit in the new role extends to entail wider medical and anti-doping responsibilities within the Olympic Federation. In 2015, Budgett was awarded HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh himself, on behalf of the Institute of Sports and Exercise Medicine, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Sports and Exercise Medicine.