In 1952, Richard Maurice Sotheron McConaghey was approached by John Hunt and was given the opportunity to be part of the Foundation Council of the College. McConaghey is best known for his editorship of the Journal of the College of General Practitioners. In 1953, he was elected vice-chairman of the first faculty board of the South West England Faculty and subsequently became provost in 1958. McConaghey worked as the second honorary editor of Between Ourselves from 1954 to 1957. McConaghey also fiercely insisted that all articles published in the Journal were peer-reviewed. In 1961, McConaghey’s diligence and commitment to the Journal led it to be accepted by the Index Medicus. With every little effort adding up McConaghey was able to bring the Journal to become a working example of steadily rising academic standards. Further roles were undertaken and awards earned. McConaghey was Chairman of the Board of Censors which later became the College’s Assessment Committee.