Every edible oil industry strives to produce flavor-neutral, light-colored, and physically and oxidatively stable oil, thereby meeting consumer acceptance and industry standards. Due to increased demand, agricultural feedstock and marine organisms with large diversity are being exploited for edible oil production. Soybean oil, palm oil, canola oil, and sunflower oil are some of the most widely used vegetable oils and sardine, anchovy, menhaden, and salmon oil are some of the common marine oils used throughout the world. One oil that is used commercially without any refining treatment is cold-pressed olive oil. The crude oil is appreciated because of its organoleptic properties and appearance. The refining techniques practiced in industry fall under two broad classifications: chemical refining and physical refining. In case of the chemical or wet refining process, the impurities are removed by contacting the oil with certain chemicals. It involves several stages including degumming, deacidification, bleaching, and deodorization.