This chapter aims to present developments and trends concerning the usage of wastewater resources as a way of growing microalgae for biofuel production purposes. Biofuels have the potential to replace fossil-based fuels, being a carbon-neutral fuel. Biofuel production should be performed with non-edible feedstocks to avoid the competition with human food market. Microalgae are considered as a promising alternative for biofuel production. Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms that can be found in several environments, including marine and freshwater ecosystems. Microalgae can be grouped in several phyla and, in terms of abundance and practical application, the phyla that assume greater prominence are, golden algae, and diatoms. The use of low quality waters for microalgal growth improves both the economic feasibility and environmental sustainability of the overall process, since it reduces the costs associated to nutrients supply and the requirements for freshwater and provides wastewaters’ bioremediation.